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Census data in just a few clicks

Use beautiful maps, tables and reports to visually explore and download data.

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A vast collection of data

Over 500,000 data indicators.

Visual pictogram for Demography

Population, age, sex, race, marital status, religion, language, families, family relations, households, ethnicity and more.

Visual pictogram for Economy

Includes income, poverty, unemployment, occupation, housing, and workforce characteristics to name a few.

Visual pictogram for Housing

Rent, home value, public housing, vacancy, subsidized housing and more.

Visual pictogram for Quality of Life
Quality of Life

Health care, insurance, crime, hospital locations, health risk factors, infectious diseases, cancer data and more.

Visual pictogram for Education

Data includes school enrollment, graduation and dropout rates, college, library, and museum locations.

Visual pictogram for Election data
Election data

Presidential, gubernatorial, senatorial, and congressional elections data.

Trusted by 1000+ Leading Universities and Companies

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Visually analyze data

over 500,000 data indicators

Visually explore, compare, and analyze all Census data, including hundreds of thousands of data indicators across 220 years. Explore interactive maps and track how neighborhoods changed over the decades down to the street level.

Data at your fingertips

All of our data is curated, organized and processed for ease of use.

Trusted Data Sources

Our data comes from trusted public and proprietary sources, including the United States Bureau, the FBI, The World Bank, Eurostat and more.

Thorough Documentation

We publish official documentation for each data resource in an organized and easy to read format.

Breadth and Depth of Data

Our data library includes data from 1790 to 2021, allowing you to gain insights through historical and up-to-date datasets. Explore thousands of data variables at any geographical level from census tract to national.

Visually explore census data

Over 500,000 interactive maps down to street level.

Visual pictogram for Find Patterns to Find Answers
Find Patterns to Find Answers

With thousands of data indicators in a wide range of demographic variables, our location intelligence software identifies trends and relationships that result in actionable information.

Visual pictogram for Fast and easy-to-use
Fast and easy-to-use

Social Explorer is a comprehensive tool that replaces the need for various, complicated data and GIS programs. Easy-to-use and communicate to others, you can now analyse data without prior education and training.

Visual pictogram for Understand Neighborhoods
Understand Neighborhoods

Explore a large array of demographic data at any geographical level, large or small.

Visual pictogram for Export Data Easily
Export Data Easily

Export unlimited data in various formats such as Excel, SAS, R, STATA, GIS and more. Scripts are also included for reading data into popular stat packages.

Visual pictogram for Study Change over time
Study Change over time

Our rich depository of data offers variables from 1790 to 2021 allowing you to explore how trends have now changed throughout the years.

Visual pictogram for Always Up-to-Date
Always Up-to-Date

We are consistently updating our platform to follow current demographic trends through our up-to-date datasets and innovative mapping capabilities. Explore current data including COVID, BLM, law enforcement, election data, and more.

“My students thought Social Explorer was a fantastic resource. It's great to have access to so much historic information - they really saw how rich census data can be. It’s very user-friendly, too; the students learned to navigate effortlessly. Social Explorer inspired the best census explorations I’ve ever seen.”
Anne Knowles, Associate Professor of Geography, Middlebury College
Data insights are waiting to be uncovered
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